I've just got back from the Photographer's Gallery. I had no idea there was a Sally Mann show on. Needless to say, I was blown away. I've always loved her work, and seeing it in reality just made me love it more. I don't think there is another artist working right now who I identify with more - despite my dislike for children in general. I particularly like the way she treats the environment, as a living and active part of her work.
The fact that 'What Remains' was showing just blew my mind - it's one series of photos that have inspired my greatly. I know she recieves a lot of attention for using 'taboo' subjects such a child nudity and death - but I think she treats the ideas with a huge amount of respect. One photo took my breath away, I think. I can't find a digital copy - but it features a decomposing human face seemingly drowning in mist and covered in plant life. It all sounds very morbid, but it's still very beautiful. I can't recommend the show enough.