

Doncaster. Hello Doncaster.

Facebook just made me type 'Roy / Joanna'. I think I might be being used as their new matchmaking service. 'Lindsay / Samantha' 'Lady Gaga / Andrew Beedle'

This is quite boring, isn't it?

But I do like this YYY's song. It's a bit gruesome though. All about heads getting chopped off and rolling around the floor. But it has the line 'GLITTER ON THE WET STREETS' and also 'DRIPPING WITH ALCHEMY' - which in my humble opinion, makes it an instant win.

This is pretty much just like talking to myself, isn't it? I hope a psychologist reads it and studies my mind - I'd love some free treatment.

BTW, the ticket woman is fierce. She's about 8 foot tall with a short, dramatic bob. I'm going to model scout her and make her famous.